Saturday 20 April 2013

Politics, Politics Everywhere.


Hey there. It has been a year since I last wrote something here. You didn't wrote anything here. Duh! Ouch!

I'm not an active blogger. Or can I be called a blogger? Only one entry left, I've deleted the rest. LOL!

So, I wanna wrote something about something and it is called Politics. 

"Weh, kau sokong mana?"
"Entah, aku taktahu."
"Mana boleh taktahu weh. Kau kena pilih satu."
"Herm okay la okay. Aku sokong MANU. City is full of shits. Buying stars like groceries. Menang pon on goal different je. Pffft."

I've always heard people talking about politics. On the street, kedai kopi, toilet. Most of these people didn't think about something essential here when talking. It is a sensitive issue, should not be talking about it so loudly for people hear it. Same case with religion and races. You don't say "Cina sekarang degil" in front of your lovable Chinese friends. Same here. You can't say "PAS kolot" or "BN gila kuasa" in front of their supporters. Ini boleh bikin gaduh sama itu worang.

Most of us (read : Malay), are not sure which party to choose. They are confused, I must say. And they (read : Malay) are afraid of changes. Really, truly, certainly.

"Aku dulu sokong PAS. Tapi aku keluar PAS sebab PAS gabung dengan PR, ada DAP. Sebab tu aku masuk BN."

Duh! Not-really-thinking-typical people. Adakah kau tak sedar atau kau sahaja hendak membutakan mata dan telinga bahawa BN sudah lama lakukan apa yang PAS baru sahaja lakukan. Under BN/UMNO, there are already MIC and MCA, you fools. Okay, sorry, I'm not going to be one-sided writer. So, here is another one.

"PAS kalau memerintah, takkan maju. Tengok Kelantan sudah lah. Negeri besar, tak maju pon dari dulu sampai sekarang. Kolot." 

Again, duh! Stupid-frog-under-coconut-shell people. Siapa yang kolot? Kau ke PAS? Kau cakap macam kau pernah pergi Kelantan. Pernah la weh! Kau cakap macam duduk Kelantan. Kampung aku dekat Kelantan la gila. Err, gila la kau, gila. 

See, typical-thinking people. Even if you are from Kelantan, you will say Kelantan is kolot, because you are supporting BN. Same attitude will be applied by PAS-ians. Everything about BN is wrong. Teeeeeett!

This is what we call an obsession. Why don't we try to be neutral sometimes? What? You can't? Of course you can't, you-mind-obsessed-about-politics-one-sided-typical-not-thinking-straight people. But I can. This is what I think.

PAS tidak kolot, PAS berhasrat untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebagai negara Islam. What is wrong with that? Islam itu ad-din, sesuai dengan peredaran masa. So, why on earth PAS itu kolot? Dah tu kau tengok la, cakap itu ini pasal BN. Islam tak ajar macam tu. Oh, Islam tak ajar macam tu? Habis tu, apa Islam ajar?  Err, err. Solat, puasa, pergi haji, kahwin empat. Oh, fools. It is simple. 

Another one, pemerintahan BN tak la seteruk yang dikatakan. A lot of positive things can be seen. You've got BR1M etc for your own good. It helps people, students especially. Bukan benda yang buruk kan? Rasuah tu weh. Najib nak suruh undi BN la tu. Kau tahu mana Najib bagi semua tu untuk rasuah? Err. Kawan aku cakap. Bapak dia orang kuat PAS. Oh, bapak dia tu Najib ke? Eh tak la. Oh, aku ingat bapak dia Najib. Dah tu, kalau kau tak sokong BN, tak payah la terima BR1M jadah semua tu. *sampuk penyokong BN.* Morons.

Kenapa perlu berfikiran negatif sebegitu rupa? You don't have to say what you don't even know, you don't have to tell people about what the parents of your friends of your parents of your teachers and friends tell you. Confusing isn't it? As the news go through the line, it gets more confusing and lies become the truth. See? People ARE confused. 


Thursday 2 February 2012



Start with salam.
Nothing to be talked about me.
Just a new so-called blogger.
Really like this and also this www.terfaktab,com
Just want to express my opinions, thoughts, feelings here and there.
Feel free to visit.
Feel free to share anything.
Feel free to comment.
End also with salam and doa.
